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The term "personalized medicine" means the production of an individual medicine that is tailored to the patient's metabolism Medication! (customized pharmacotherapy)

Would a teenager buy the same clothes as his grandmother?


Hardly likely. However, if both get sick, you will usually receive similar treatment , despite their many differences. This is because there is often a lack of understanding of how and why people develop their disease in different ways and why they react differently to the same treatment.


One might think that a "one-size-fits-all" approach has been established that is aimed at a broad average of the population. However, this type of approach often fails to work because every person is unique! The use of personalized medicine brings us a significant step further. Treatment and preventive healthcare can thus be tailored more precisely to the individual patient.


For example:


Use in diseases of the nervous system,

such as ADHD and concentration problems

Personalized medicine

the key to effective regulation without side effects

- get your health back -

The GENOS INSIDE is individually produced in the pharmacy from your body's own protein, which is obtained from your blood and serves as an information carrier, and is free of known side effects . The process of the patented GENOS procedure creates an endogenous, new molecule that is not understood by the body as an aggressive foreign substance, but supports the body in its regeneration.

This endogenous molecule is, so to speak, the missing piece of the mosaic and therefore able to restore the correct biochemical information in the cells and the bio-chemical processes.


GENOS INSIDE is 100% natural and uses body-intelligent mechanisms of action to regulate the underlying cause of the disease, to detoxify the body in a targeted manner and to put the necessary processes back in order.


The GENOS INSIDE with the natural and central active ingredient RM31 deals with two aspects:


1. Cause and connections serve as the basis for regulation

2. A targeted, tailor-made regulation through precisely fitting, biochemical
     information serves to restore health.


The missing "component" is made available to the body again and the body's own natural processes can run independently again.




ADHD, allergies, apoplexy (stroke), respiratory diseases, borreliosis, burn out, diabetes, weight problems, skin diseases, infectious diseases, the desire to have children, food intolerance, gastrointestinal diseases, menstrual problems, migraines, prostate problems, menopausal symptoms, vegetative and cerebral diseases.

From problem to solution

GENOS INSIDE Research & Development was able to recognize connections between information on cellular processes and their influence on biochemical processes and, from this, develop possibilities to positively influence these processes.


The development of the solution is based on biochemical, microbiological and holistic specialist knowledge regarding the development of diseases. In many cases, the cause of a disease can be identified and understood using GENOS INSIDE diagnostics . This approach makes it possible to develop individual and tailor-made solutions in the form of personalized medicine GENOS INSIDE, then to manufacture them individually and, ideally, to solve the problem.

GENOS INSIDE enables affected biochemical processes in the body to be regulated again!


damaged cell function

damaged cell function with precision treatment and regulation of the cause with GENOS INSIDE

regulated and restored cell function

Every illness is based on a cause , which is usually not really taken into account in the choice of therapy due to the conventional treatment of symptoms. However, the root cause is the ultimate key to solving the problem and choosing the most effective treatment. The area of application of GENOS INSIDE is based on a targeted treatment of causes, whereby several interlocking functions in the body are taken into account.

Treatment of causes

Each GENOS INSIDE drug is individually manufactured in the pharmacy for each patient according to the requirements. The patented laboratory device YENO QUANTUM ONE is used for this. The only laboratory device of its kind that enables intracellular and extracellular cause regulation at the same time.


The cause of the disease can be regulated through the body's own protein, which is obtained from a few drops of blood, and through the subsequent tailor-made production of personalized medicine . The patented process enables a new, endogenous molecule to be created, which is easily integrated by the body and can be optimally used for regeneration. This molecule, based on the body's own protein, gives the body back the missing building block for optimal cell function, completely natural and free of known side effects. 


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