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The family has always been a unit and the basis of our social development and life stability. If a family member becomes seriously ill, this stability of life is usually deprived of all other family members in an exhausting way.


The Family Help Institute was founded with the intention of comprehensively advising and caring for families with a sick family member and, above all, to provide tailor-made assistance through personalized medicine and therapy. It is important to us that the needs and everyday routines of the entire family are taken into account. Because in the end the whole family suffers from the situation and a balanced family life is often difficult to maintain due to the high burden on the parents. 



Finally a possibility to have questions and worries that affect the family and their members answered and of course and above all to find medical therapies that include new approaches in their treatment methodology.

New standards in family health

In the many years that we have taken care of the health of children, one topic has become visible again and again:


The parents of a long-term or chronically ill child usually feel left alone with the problem and the supply and care , as well as with decisions regarding the selection of therapy offers , the clarity and overview of possibilities, the resulting cost-benefit analysis and before especially the psychological and emotional relief for the whole family.


We know from conversations with numerous parents of sick children that there is hardly a suitable contact point for an affected family where they feel that their worries and problems are in complete care.

In particular, the topic of causal diagnostics with an understandable explanation of the situation and the problem had previously been lacking for many parents. At FAMILY HELP INSTITUTE, we know that recognizing and understanding the cause is usually the most important step towards change.

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How can we help you or your family member?

We will show you and your family new possibilities and ways out of the situation through appropriate and cause-oriented treatment , in which all aspects of the patient's disease are taken into account. We also incorporate alternatives that are easy to implement in everyday family life, which not only take into account the body, but also the trained behavior, diet, breathing, exercise, rest and relaxation. Our approach is aimed at restoring the natural cell function , taking into account the influence of nature on our body.


Our team takes care of your concerns with heart and mind, because we know how much you need to listen and listen sincerely and to understand your situation. We support you and your sick family member / child to find their way back to health and thus enable a better quality of life for the entire family. We use a special questionnaire to determine the entire health history and, above all, the important, often decisive information "behind it". Such information can be, for example, specific environmental influences or the course of pregnancy, but also so-called epigenetic information from parents and grandparents. 



All previous laboratory values or test results from previous tests as well as previous medications are also recorded . The decisive step towards the diagnosis of the cause is usually the special GENOS laboratory examination, which contains factors selected by us and is then initiated.


We then analyze the given cell factors and biochemical results and facts using our own diagnostic method that has been specially developed over the years. Our competence lies in finding the real cause of the cell imbalance - where it all began. That is why we have specialized in the diagnosis and therapy of diseases that are difficult to treat, as well as diseases with previously inexplicable causes. Chronic illnesses that have been treated unsuccessfully with previous, mostly conventional therapy methods are also part of our competence.


We show you the connections between the daily symptoms and the actual causes and health problems. By making the “invisible” visible and giving you an understandable overview of the real cause and the real problem of your child's body, this is the first step so that the entire family can support the patient's healing process.


Ultimately, this helps to develop new perspectives and new possibilities for the best-adapted GENOS therapy , which can then be offered through personalized medicine without side effects. 


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